Java Slot Machine Method

  1. Slot Machine Simulation Java Program
  2. Java Slot Machine

Slot Machine Java Based. Update History: v1.3. BugReport System Included (Will Directly Send Report Through Email) PW:cs Rebase slot machine running icon.

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Hi all,
Im new to java this year and have been asked to create a small slot machine program for a project. It is a 3 reel slot machine with a few different combinations of winning. I have came across a few problems when coding this I have listed them below.Machine
1. The program has yet to start up and run. I keep getting these 3 errors and dont no how to fix them. This is in the main application. :55: cannot find symbol
symbol : method compute()
location: class SlotMachine
^ :94: cannot find symbol
symbol : method getwinnings()
location: class SlotMachine
winnings = mySlot.getwinnings();
^ :97: cannot find symbol
symbol : method geteuro()
location: class SlotMachine
euro = mySlot.geteuro();
This is the code i have for this part of the program.
import javabook.*;
class SlotMachine{
public static void main(String args[]){
//Declare objects
MainWindow mWindow;
InputBox iBox;
OutputBox oBox;
SlotMachine mySlot;
//Create objects
mWindow = new MainWindow();
iBox = new InputBox(mWindow);
oBox = new OutputBox(mWindow);
mySlot = new SlotMachine();
//Show mWindow & oBox;;
//Declare Variables
int euro;
int coin;
int winnings;
int slot1;
int slot2;
int slot3;
//Get Input
System.out.println('Enter amount of coins to bet');
if (coin 0){
System.out.println('Game has ended');
if (slot1 1){
oBox.print('Cherry ');
else if (slot1 2){
oBox.print('Grape ');
else if (slot1 3){
if (slot2 1){
oBox.print('Cherry ');
else if (slot2 2){
oBox.print('Grape ');
else if (slot2 3){
if (slot2 1){
oBox.print('Cherry ');
else if (slot2 2){
oBox.print('Grape ');
else if (slot2 3){
winnings = mySlot.getwinnings();
oBox.println('You have Won');
euro = mySlot.geteuro();
oBox.println('Your coins in Euro');
The other part of the program gives me 2 errors! illegal start of expression
public void setCoin(int c){
^ ';' expected
This is the code below.

Slot Machine Simulation Java Program

import javabook.*;
import java.util.Random;
class Slot{
private Random slotNumber = new Random();
//Assigning value for each symbol
private final int bell =1;
private final int grape =2;
private final int cherry =3;
//Declare Data Members
private int PayoutMultiplier;
private int coin;
private int euro;
private int slot1;
private int slot2;
private int slot3;
public Slot(){
coin =0;
PayoutMultiplier =0;
//Set Method
public void setCoin(int c){
coin = c;
public void setPayoutMultiplier(int pm){
payoutmultiplier = pm;
//Get Method
public int getPayoutMultiplier(){
return payoutMultiplier;
public int getSlot1(){
return slot1;
public int getSlot2(){
return slot2;
public int getSlot3(){
return slot3;
public void compute(){
int slot1 = slotNumber.nextInt(3) + 1;
int slot2 = slotNumber.nextInt(3) + 1;
int slot3 = slotNumber.nextInt(3) + 1;
if (slot1 bell && slot2 bell && slot3 bell){
payoutMultiplier = 10;
else if (slot1 grape && slot2 grape && slot3 grape){
payoutMultiplier = 7;
else if (slot1 cherry && slot2 cherry && slot3 cherry){
System.out.println ('5'):
payoutMultiplier = 5;
else if (slot1 cherry && slot2 cherry && (slot3 grape || slot3 bell)){
System.out.println ('3');
payoutMultiplier = 3;
else if (slot1 cherry && (slot2 grape || slot2 bell) && slot3 cherry){
System.out.println ('3');
payoutMultiplier = 3;
else if ((slot1 grape || slot1 bell) && slot2 cherry && slot3 cherry){
System.out.println ('3');
payoutMultiplier = 3;
else if (slot1 cherry && (slot2 grape || slot2 bell) && (slot3 grape || slot3 bell)){
System.out.println ('1');
payoutMultiplier = 1;
else if ((slot1 grape || slot1 bell) && slot2 cherry && (slot3 grape || slot3 bell)){
System.out.println ('1');
payoutMultiplier = 1;
else if ((slot1 grape || slot1 bell) && (slot2 grape || slot2 bell) && slot3 cherry){
System.out.println ('1'):
payoutMultiplier = 1;
else if ((slot1 grape || slot1 bell) && (slot2 grape || slot2 bell) && (slot3 grape || slot3 bell)){
System.out.println ('No Win')
payoutMultiplier = 0;
else {
System.out.println('No Combination')
//Get Method
public int getWinnings();{
int winnings = payoutMultiplier * coins;
return winnings;
double geteuro();{
int euro = (coins * .25);
return euro;
Any help with this would be much appreciated i also have to add a loop so the program allows the player to keep using the program until they enter zero so if you could also explain were abouts in the program i am to put the loop it would be great.

Java Slot Machine

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